Running With Your Dog

Running isn’t just great exercise for us… it’s great for our dogs!

Our Service Dog teams are all encouraged to exercise with their dogs in order to keep them at a healthy weight, and to promote team bonding! Some of our teams walk together, some of them swim together, but a lot of them decide to become running partners! Most dogs love to run. It’s great for their physical health and also a great way for them to be mentally stimulated or relieve stress. Plus, running with your dog is good for you too!

Read these tips & tricks if you’re interested in running with your pup!

  • Always get a health check from your veterinarian before starting a running training program.
    Puppies can damage their growth plates if they run too much, while some dog breeds may have difficulty breathing while running, and others might have underlying conditions. Your vet will be able to make sure your dog is cleared to be your running partner!

  • Make sure you start slow!
    When it comes to running, dogs are just like people… training is important! Don’t go too far or too fast. Build up endurance over time, and they will stay injury free!
    You dog will show you signs that they’re tired or sore. Examples would be slowing down to run behind you, panting, or stopping completely. If your dog is tired, give them breaks, slow down the pace, or do a shorter run.

  • Watch the temperature.
    If you read our post about shoes, you know that asphalt can be too hot for dogs in the summer. Dogs also don’t handle humidity as well as humans, so if you live in a humid area they might get tired quickly. Try to time your runs to be during the cool, shady parts of the day - you and your dog will be happier!

  • Have basic obedience skills.
    Our Service Dogs have lots of experience with loose leash walking, obedience commands, and traffic rules, but your pet might not. Make sure your dog has a good grasp of these basic skills before you start running together, that way he’s not pulling you down the street or chasing squirrels while you’re trying to run!

  • Take care of their paws.
    If your dog’s pads get injured, they will need to recover before they can start training again. Our Service Dog teams check their paws daily so they can notice anything before it becomes a big problem. Consider applying a paw wax like Musher’s Secret or Bag Balm to your dog’s paws to keep them protected!

If you’re an avid runner or even just getting started, consider signing up for our 3rd Annual 5k Race!

The event will be held Saturday August 21st, 2021. You can run with us in person in Virginia Beach and then hang around to participate in a raffle with some incredible prizes!

Registration includes a race bib, a t-shirt, and a Mutts With A Mission 5k medal!

Please note, this event/venue is not pet friendly. If you still want to participate, register for the Virtual Race Option and run at home with your pup!

Lauren Oliver